Flipped Assessment

Flipped Assessment focuses on the core of the pedagogical task of assessment. It follows the rules of formative assessment and is concerned with responsible teaching, keeping the learning on track, and helping the student to achieve their goals. 

I argue that Flipped Assessment is one of the most important pillars in creating Flipped Learning culture. At least I didn't managed to create a learning culture that supports the development of students' self-regulation and co-regulation without flipping the assessment practices, too. Here I need to stress that although in Flipped Classroom approach self-regulation is quite often seen as a means of education, in Flipped Learning approach self-regulation is an objective set for education! Flipped Assessment helps the teacher to build a learning culture with the aid of self- and peer-assessment. Self-assessment is connected with the goal of self-regulation and peer-assessment to co-regulation. Self-assessment requires not only emotional reflection but also awareness and consideration of the students’ own skills and how they act in different situations. Peer assessment helps students to engage in collective steering, be critical of their choices, and consider their own actions on the basis of what others hold to be good or bad. 

I developed Flipped Assessment while being a lower secondary school mathematics teacher. Today I am working as a lecturer in engineering mathematics at the University of Applied Sciences. Thus, I am currently developing Flipped Assessment to meet the needs of the higher education. My interest is in assessment practices that communicates to the student that people believe in, and make efforts toward, his or her ability to develop. In this respect, the message from a summative exam is quite different as it mainly implies that students are the subjects of an assessment. In summative assessment practices, teacher’s responsibility for achieving goals set for learning changes to the responsibility for measuring whether they have been achieved.

If your passion were also to develop formative assessment and got rid of summative exams, I would love to hear from you and collaborate. I am also interested in educational research collaboration about Flipped Learning and Flipped Assessment in higher education.

My book Flipped Assessment - A Leap towards Assessment for Learning is available on Amazon

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